Sunday, September 7, 2008

Boy Scout

When I was much younger, I saw kids wearing scout's uniforms and I imagined that I would look cool if I wore those uniforms, either. But I was in an internatinal school and they didn't have scout's school. But in where I lived, I saw kids wearing scout's uniforms, too. So I joined the scout's team of my housing estate.

Yesterday, my mom and I went to Scout center in: 11th floor,8th Austin Road, Jordan. But it was not that easy. It was because when I copied the adress on the internet, I carelessly forgot to copy the street number. So when my mom and I went to Jordan, we did not know where to go, so my only idea was to ask the shop staff. But that was not where my hard task was. My hard task was when I got to the scout shop.

When I got there, I got a little nervous and wondered what to say. Finally, I got into the line and I asked if this was the right place to buy scout's stuff.

Luckily, the staff just took my paper and gave me the right things I needed to buy. And I did not have to complete my second task. Here, I ll tell you what I had bought that day: 1 beige colored shirt, A pair of green shorts, 1 scout hat with a badge stuck to it, 1 belt that fit me, a pair of long green socks, 4 badges in a pack with: membership badge, a Hong Kong badge, a N.T. badge, and a Shatin badge, A scout handbook, a scout record book, and a pair of black shoes with laces.

After I got back home, I could not help myself to tell mom to help me put on the badges.While she was doing that, I did my homework.

I hope I can have a good time being a boy scout.


Ricky Lam said...

Dear Gareth,

It's great to hear that you have joined a Boy Scout team in your neighbourhood. Though I wasn't a boy scout in school, I did give training to a team of boy scouts when I still taught in secondary school. I am sure you will become very responsible and disciplined as scout training is somewhat challenging. Sure you will have fun. Keep us informed about your training in your future entries.

Best wishes


Harold Au said...

Dear Gareth,

I signed up Scouts in school too. I hope my teacher will choose me to be a member.

Your uniform sounds cool. I hope I can wear one like it later.


Harold Au said...


Can you put on your uniform and then take a picture and then put it on your blog? I want to take a look at how cool you are.


Anonymous said...

When I was a little boy, the Scouts Association was on Cox Road, next to Austin Road. Has it moved?

Anyway, when I was a little boy, I envied the scouts, because like you said, they looked cool in their scouts' uniform. But my family was too poor to afford the uniform and all the accessories. So now I'm envious of you. So enjoy your scouting experience!

Unknown said...

Salute to you, the new scout member Gareth.

Auntie Rowena