Thursday, June 26, 2008

My brother Tony

My brother is named Tony. He is very cute and special. He is autistic, too. He wears glasses. Sometimes we get in a fight. He is from Venus, I think. His hobbies are, swimming, playing computer, play video games,and go to the toilet. He is born in HK. He is very tough.

He can run fast, even though he had a car accident. He is a great help to me sometimes.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My next trip

My very next trip is to Taiwan. I had never been there before. So this is the first time I had ever been there. I am going there this Friday. ( 28/6/08) Except for one thing. I am going to have to wake up at 3:00 AM on the 27'nth of June. And travel to the airport. I really didn't want to have a car accident, like that taxi that came in the news. So I insisted Dad to drive to airport and paid the bills instead of calling a taxi.

This trip is going to be great, I thought. This time, we were going on a tour.
I hope that I will have a wonderful trip.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A scary comic

It eats a worm from the bathroom floor,
It has a sore throat from the little poor mat.
It chases a cat through the little bat,
I get a big fat little pat,
from that stupid, dumb thing.
It loves to sing with his nosy nose,
I love to get a rose from the rosy rose.

What am I? ________

My Blog

I love blogging. I love it so much that I always want to write a new post.
Also, I love writing. I like it so much that I got A+ every term in second grade. Actually, I got A+ in all terms of K1, K2, K3( P1), First grade, and second grade. I want to write books and get the books published. When I first got my blog, I jumped up and down yelling" Hurray! Hurray! I've got a blog! When I haven't got a blog, I was waiting impatiently to have a blog.
Now that I have a blog, I can always write in my blog.

This is a poem about my jungle animal

He quickly gobbled in one bite,
whatever creature came in sight:
a mouse that scampered to and fro,
a frog that jumped up from below,
a bat that hung from his left toe,
a fish that swam a bit too slow,
And a bird that flew a bit too low.

What am I? ______

My Science book

Last night, I read a book called Inventions and Discoveries that Auntie Becky gave me. I read three chapters, Leisure and Toys, Exploring Space, and Internet and Games. My favorite one was Internets and Games. ' Cause I knew a lot already. Though I already knew most of it, I did learn some things. I also had to thank Willam A. Higinbotham. He was the first one to make video games. If he wasn't here, then I can't play my favorite computer game called Club Penguin

Monday, June 23, 2008

I know how to cook!

I started to learn to cook after a while my brother started learning. I got the idea of cooking from him. I got many ideas from him. Now I know how to cook. I know how to cook many things.
But I just learn 12 lessons. But I am particular about the food I'm forced to eat. Mostly, I hate vegetable. But in every meal, it is mandatory. That is why you should not be like that.

A rhyme poem

This is a poem I wrote today:

Down from high, out of the sky,
There comes a cloud after my eye!


These are the riddles. Can you solve them?

Look at the letters, the first not the rest.
Discover the place you love the best. _____
Keys: oehm
I cover what is true and hide what is real,
What am I? _____

Out of the blue, lonely voice
calls out to you. Who am I? Am I? ______

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My First Voluntray work

Today is my first voluntary work. I insisted myself to read louder, but I couldn’t. That was because I am shy. Like I said, I can be a very loud reader, but I can also be shy.
There was a book donation for the poor children. I was very hot. I read the book called Three Little Pigs. I felt happy for helping those poor people living in Tung Chung. I was impressed because I saw a baby carried with no parents, just children. Doing a voluntary work is fun. I want to come again.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The fruit of the holy sprit

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control, which most people can’t do so. Actually, I am one of them. That is because the Satan loves to bother people. So, we can’t actually help it. Sometimes people get under control, like when you get mad, you might cause too much anger in you. Being angry is not a problem, though. But causing too much anger in you is certainly a problem. Nobody can help you about it, so you should try solving it.
Look in the bible. The fruit of the spirit is found in Galations:23.
I can be a very good boy, but also, I can be emotinonal,too.
At school, I can be very positive and smart, but I can get sent to the princapal, too.
One day, I got sent to the princapal beacause the teacher saw me pushing my best enemy.
So don't be like a child like me.

My report card

This is my grades for my report card

Bible- A+
Science- B+
Social Std- B
Chinese- B-
Music- G*
Art- G
Writing- A
Listening- B
Speaking- B
Numbers- A-
Statistics- B

* G = Good

My grades

These are the following grades I got before summer:

3 minute time test (add and subtract mixed) 95/100(A-)
Spelling test 105/105 (yea!)
Science test 47/ 56
Numbers 22/26
Chinese dictation (1)100/100
Chinese dictation (2) 98/100
Social Studies 43/59
Writing detective 39/46

My best friend

My best friend is Titan Lai. He is an eight- year old boy with lots talents. Titan is reasonable, cooperative, reliable, and trust worthy. He is a great friend to me. We always do things together. We have same friends.
I think we will be friends when we are in 3rd grade.

While mom was in the USA

The day before my mom left for the USA, I said I really miss her and I hugged her. The next day, on the day that she left, we had an argument. I wanted to bring my crystal babies to school, but she wouldn’t let me. That was how the argument started. I left to school in a huff, and when I went to school, I feel sad inside. When I went home, I received a letter from her. When I read the first line, I already started crying. The letter told me to write something to mom so when she comes back, she can read my letters. When she called home the next, I felt confident. It made feel much happier. I wrote three letters to her. This made me feel a lot happier.
This story teaches us to treasure every minute.

My New friend

My new friend is Harold. He is nine years old. Last night, we e-mailed each other. After he sent an e-mail, I e-mailed him. He became one of my friends. I am glad that he became my one of my friends. Although we did not meet each other, we are still friends.
I am very happy that I have a new friend.

Tony’s catastrophe

Tony’s saddest catastrophe is when he had his car accident.
One day, while I was at home, my parents and Tony did not come home. Then all of a sudden, my parent’s friends came to my home and told us that he had an accident, and he was sent to the Prince of Wales hospital. And of course, my parents stayed in the hospital with him. So guess what? Every time I went to church, I don’t want to stay there, Instead, want to stay in the hospital, spending time with my brother, Tony. So that counts as my catastrophe, too. Also, I made a warmer welcome for Tony, my brother.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Gareth has a blog!

I love writing, so I begged Mom to help me create a blog.

I am so glad that I finally have my very own blog!