Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Blog

I love blogging. I love it so much that I always want to write a new post.
Also, I love writing. I like it so much that I got A+ every term in second grade. Actually, I got A+ in all terms of K1, K2, K3( P1), First grade, and second grade. I want to write books and get the books published. When I first got my blog, I jumped up and down yelling" Hurray! Hurray! I've got a blog! When I haven't got a blog, I was waiting impatiently to have a blog.
Now that I have a blog, I can always write in my blog.


Anonymous said...

Is it a tiger?

- Uncle Paul

Harold Au said...

I love reading your blog, there are many interesting riddles in your blog. I don't know what is the answers. But it is fun to read. Also, your poem is better than mine!

Becky Cheung said...

I love reading your blog too. You are a very creative and receptive boy, who are always ready to face new challenges such as setting up a blog and cooking macaroni.

I like your sharing on the fruit of the holy spirit most. You reminded me about taking good care of our emotions. You're right being angry is not a problem, it's the failure to realise the cause of our misery, letting the seed grow too big in us, which stops us from obtaining relief, causes the major problem. I was amazed to find you, being just an eight-year-old boy, already understand the importance of taking good care of your anger. And yes, no one is perfect. What we have to do is to do our best in everything and live our life to the full.

Auntie Becky

Ricky Lam said...

Work hard and play hard. Keep up all your good work. Your mom will be proud of you! Your dad and mom will be elated too.
