Thursday, July 31, 2008

Having a fun day with my friend Harold

On Tuesday, my friend Harold and Auntie Becky came over to my home. We had a fun day.

First, when Harold came over, we ate some jelly my mom made the other day. Then, we went to my clubhouse and played table tennis for an hour.

At first, it was very fun. But after I got used to it, it was boooring ... boooring ... AND ... boring. After that, we went back to my home and I showed Harold how to make 'Pineapple Pizza Bread.' Then we asked each other riddles. I even took out my riddle book. But for now, if you ask me, that is just wrong. Because I don't excactly have the book back. I lent it to Harold.

Next, I took out some games to play. We played Bingo and Chinese Checkers. Before we started to play, we were boasting that how we were sure that we would win. Then I took out my English scrabble. At first, I passed a lot of times. But later, I got lots of chances.

After that, we ate dinner that Tony cooked. It was yummy! (Really, I did not eat much of Tony's pasta. Instead, I ate a lot of spaghetti that my maid cooked)

Finally, we finished the game of scrabble. When I got a triple word, I could see that the excitement on his face had gone away.
I tried to cheer him up. Only finally, something very wonderful happened! I helped him get 24 marks! That seemed to cheer him up. He murmered, "Thank you."

At last, Harold got home. We both had a wonderful day. I will go to his home on August, 5. I hope we will have a fun time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy birthday!

Today is mom's birthday. This morning, I woke up in early morning (Don't tease me again, Uncle Paul) in around 8:20. I was very tired. I had to wake up early because I had to make a birthday card for Mom. I wrote it in both English and Chinese.

We went swimming in the Clubhouse. I say that Tony is a shark. I can swim very fast, too. Mom swam very slowly. Only Tony and I were the ones who know how to swim. I taught Mom how to swim breast stroke at home. I'd already known how to swim breast stroke, back stroke and freestyle. I can do a somersault in the water, too.

That night, we ate at a restaurant in Newtown Plaza, Level 7.

I think Mom had a very enjoyable birthday.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tony is blogging too!

I had never ever thought that an autistic and very agitated brother would have a blog. That was some kind of issue, I think.

Tony's blog:

Well, anyways, I really never thought Tony was very thoughtful and clever that wrote a blog. Even though he was not very good in grammar, such as nouns, verbs, adjective, adverb, past tense, present tense, past participle, and plurals; he was not very forgetful. He is also very positive. Weird for an A person, right?

Sure, of course I certainly hope he can improve, but he also deserves the praise. Here is a poem I wrote that describes him:

Tony is positive and clever,
I'll love him forever,
Because he is my only brother;
who is way better!

Friday, July 18, 2008

An oeey gooey poem

The worms go in, the worms go out.
They crawl in your stomach,
And out through your mouth.
Your teeth decay, your body turns gray.
And that's the end of the wonderful day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My new business

Some kids make money by doing chores. I mean, like clean the garage, or sweep the floor, or maybe even make your bed. I mean(Again!), why make your bed?, You're just going to unmake it later.

So by now I bet you are wondering what my new business is. That is what I'm going to tell you right now. A detective, that's what! So I solve mysteries. Only I just have 1 mystery. Mine! My mystery.

I wrote it in my detective journal of Gareth Chan, A.123fdgs. That was my account.

But guess what? When you solve mysteries, you are hoping for money,
right? But my card just looks like: Need a big mystery solved? Call Gareth Chan, Agent 123fdgs. For a dollar a day, I make problems go away! My first mystery was called The Case Of The missing Yo Yo.

Thank goodness that I found my Velocity (that's my yo yo).
I hope that I will have MORE mysteries to solve.

Well, maybe that you think I LOVE money, but I actually use those dollars to offer at church.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What I am thankful for

This is a poem about what I am thankful for:

I am thankful for:

My family that keeps me company,
My friends that make me happy,
The food that God has made for me,
The eyes that God has made me see;
My friend Harold,
That God had given to me!

This is another poem about what I am thankful for:

My good parents that NEVER betray me,
My friends and brother that doesn’t go away,
The mouth I have God let me SAY!
The freedom that God let me choose my way,
The bedroom bed that I can lay,
The model that is made of clay,
Which I could PLAY!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun day with my cousin Brian

I visited my elder cousin named Brian on Sunday. We had fun altogether with Tony, my brother. He brought us to the outdoor swimming pool in South Horizons.
That is pretty far away from my home. Yeesh.
We swam for about an hour. I can swim in the shallow water, where I can stand, and in the deeep water; where I cannot stand up straight.
I can swim Free style, Back stroke, and Breast stroke. (Ha Ha Ha!) I can swim fast, too. But I just swam very slowly because I just wanted to relax in the water. That was very fun(Only in the shallow water).
In the deep water, the water was sooooooooooo cold. Brian swam,too. But I think Tony can swim a little faster.
The swimming pool was very big. It is not a shape of a sqaure,though. It is a shape of a Mickey Mouse face+ears.
I can swim the whole pool in about 1:45.
I hope to swim with my cousin again

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My "jigsaw jones" series

My mom bought me the Jigsaw Jones series. My favorite book is The case of the Food fight. Well, I guess I named my book, The case of the missing haunted house, after James Preller;who is the author of this series. Anyways, as I read that book, I noticed that Jigsaw, who is the guy who tells the story, is a detective. He likes to solve mysteries,drink grape juice, and do guess what. JIGSAW PUZZLES, that's what! His friend, Mila Yeh,(sounds like my-la yay!) is his detectve partner, and his friend, helps him solve mysteries.

In the story, as Thedore (his offical name is Thedore Andrew Jones) walked in the lunch room, a chorus of voice yelled "FOOD FIGHT!" Mash potatoes fly. Meatballs bounce. And the whole entire second grade(he's in second grade like me,too.) gets in BIG trouble. They blame Joey. But "I" know that Joey is the last guy on earth that would throw food. He would much rather eat it.
I'd read this book a millon times. I guess that reading theese chapter books can bring me funny thoughts.
I hope I can read even MORE of the Jigsaw jones series.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A good poem

A is for amazing
B is for beautiful
C is for cute
D is for darling
E is for excellent
F is for fabulous
G is for great
H is for hug
I is for innocent
J is for joy
K is for kindness
L is for loving
M is for motherly
N is for nice
O is for okay
P is for peace
Q is for quite good
R is for romantic
S is for sweet
T is for tame
U is for ’u’ are good
V is for very good
W is for well done
X is for ‘xtra kind
Y is for you are lovely
Except for I can't think of a Z word

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A "bad" poem

A is for awful
B is for bad breath
C is for crazy
D is for dummy
E is for extremely bad
F is for fatty
G is for girlish
H is for horrible
I is for impolite
J is for jumpy
K is for kill me
L is for lazy
M is for monstrous
N is for naughty
O is for often cry
P is for proud
Q is for quarrelsome
R is for rude
S is for stupid
T is for terrible
U is for ugly
V is for very bad
W is for wicked
X is for x’tra mean
Y is for yucky
Z is for zip-the-nose

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My first book

The book I wrote is called The Case of the Missing spooky Haunted House. I wrote 11 pages and a cover page and a blurb. There are pictures too. I like to write books. I am going to write another book next summer.

After writing the book, I feel happy. I felt like I was a real author who writes diffrent books.

Writing a book makes my stomach feel jumpy and happy. I hope to write books every year.
If you are interested to my book, I can lend you a copy. (Either hard or soft is okay)

Monday, July 7, 2008

My first pet

My mom bought me a turtle. I named him Tommie. He is a boy, I think. He is a pearl turtle. My mom gave it to me as a suprise today. Tommie is very playful and hyper. His shell is hard. I like him very much. I adore him.

Even though Tommie is hyper, he is a very good pet.
I will take very good care of him. He is a year old. He will not even scratch or bite. Except I do not know why Tony, my brother is scared of him. I say that he is sacred.
Whenever I take of the lid of his cage, he tries to climb up and get loose. He is very funny.

I think Tony is scared of him because he has sharp claws. I think this is going to be my favorite pet.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My trip to Taiwan: Day 4

My fourth day was supposed to be my favorite day. But guess what? It did not happen. Even though it was my favorite day, I missed Taiwan. I went to window on China Theme park and LeoFoo Village theme park. I also played Bumper Cars and Merry-Go Round and flying cars and Rollar Coaster and Strawberry wheels and Pony Ride and Watchtrain and the animals and Feed the ponies. It was very fun.
But when I had to leave that country I started to sob a little.
This is my favorite trip in my whole life.

My trip to Taiwan: Day 3

I felt exhausted waking up that day. I slept with my brother Tony and Daddy. I woke up at early morning around 9:15. We visited the honey shop that sells different kind of tea and honey. After that, we went to visit the home of the king.
In the afternoon, I went to the tea shop.
Then we went back to hotel. And slept.

My trip to Taiwan: Day 2

I was not very tired and sleepy on the second day. That was because I had slept very good in the Brother Hotel. The first thing we did was to look at pearls. I almost even fell asleep because it was sooo boring. After that, came the fun part. We had a bath in the hot spring for about an hour 15 minutes. We had lunch some where called bla, bla, bla place. ( it really meant that I did not know what it is called )
At about 5:30, we walked and walked by ourselves to dinner. We were having free dinner time until we got back up to the bus. We slept in a hotel called Chinatrust Hotel.
I would like to recommend this place to you

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My trip to Taiwan: Day 1

I had never thought that I had to wait six hours in the airport doing nothing. My mom had to wake me up at 4: 30 am sharp. I bet now you're wondering why I had to wake up at 4: 30 sharp and wander around in the airport for six whole hours. It was because the plane had delayed 2 times. I was supposed to be on the plane at eight- o' clock, and arrive at Taiwan at about nine- twenty. But the Travel Agent named Kelvin, made the flight over booked. So he had to pay us about four- thousand five hundred. That was the first reason of why I had to stay at the airport longer. The second reason of why I had stay a few hours longer is because Kelvin said there was something wrong with the plane.
When we got there, everyone was hot. But the hottest was Kelvin. It was because he wore long sleeves. The first place we went was called 101 Departmant store. That day was kind of boring. Because we were supposed to do more exciting things. I slept in a hotel called Brother Hotel. The hotel was kind of fun. You are going to read my second post soon.