Friday, June 20, 2008

Gareth has a blog!

I love writing, so I begged Mom to help me create a blog.

I am so glad that I finally have my very own blog!


Gareth Chan said...

Dearest Gareth,

Isn't it wonderful that both of us are bloggers?

Hope you enjoy blogging.

Love always,

Becky Cheung said...

A good start. Well done!

Your mom boost my courage to do a lot of things including setting up my own blog. She must be very happy to see your blog. Do write more. Both Harold and I will be your regular readers.

Harold is jealous and he wants one too.

Auntie Becky

Anonymous said...

Dear Gareth,

A good start. Well done.

Your mom has boosted my confidence to do a lot of things including setting up my own blog. she must be very happy to see your blog. Do write more. Both Harold and I will be your regular readers!!!

Harold is jealous and he wants to have one too.

Auntie Becky

Ricky Lam said...

Hi Gareth,

Congratulations! It's wonderful that you also have your own blogspot like your mom. Well, you can make use of this summer to write as many entries as possible. I will visit your blog regularly. Do record your anecdotes and interesting happenings.



PS Did you remember you met me at the airport?

Anonymous said...

Dear Gareth,
Really that you have your own blog. I am proud of your courage and initiation. It's so good to know you love writing and at the mean time using the technology. Keep going.

Auntie Esther.
(Rebecca's Mom)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to spread this wonderful news and tell all the teachers I know about your blog. So, keep writing.

Uncle Paul

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I will vist your blog when I am free.
