Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My next trip

My very next trip is to Taiwan. I had never been there before. So this is the first time I had ever been there. I am going there this Friday. ( 28/6/08) Except for one thing. I am going to have to wake up at 3:00 AM on the 27'nth of June. And travel to the airport. I really didn't want to have a car accident, like that taxi that came in the news. So I insisted Dad to drive to airport and paid the bills instead of calling a taxi.

This trip is going to be great, I thought. This time, we were going on a tour.
I hope that I will have a wonderful trip.


Ricky Lam said...

Hi Gareth,

I have been to Taiwan five times. The place that I took the photo on the Ferris wheel (the one that you see now) is in Taiwan. But I just went to Taipei. There is so much delicious food to eat. Remember wash your hands before you eat. Enjoy your tour. When you come back, do write some entries about your tour on your blog and share your experieneces with us.

Have a nice trip


Anonymous said...

I'm sure when you come back, you'll have lots of interesting things to write about in your blog.

- Uncle Paul

Becky Cheung said...

Harold and I have never been to Taiwan. We'd love to read about your 'tour review'.

Have a nice trip Gareth.

Auntie Becky