Monday, July 7, 2008

My first pet

My mom bought me a turtle. I named him Tommie. He is a boy, I think. He is a pearl turtle. My mom gave it to me as a suprise today. Tommie is very playful and hyper. His shell is hard. I like him very much. I adore him.

Even though Tommie is hyper, he is a very good pet.
I will take very good care of him. He is a year old. He will not even scratch or bite. Except I do not know why Tony, my brother is scared of him. I say that he is sacred.
Whenever I take of the lid of his cage, he tries to climb up and get loose. He is very funny.

I think Tony is scared of him because he has sharp claws. I think this is going to be my favorite pet.


hester said...

I used to have two turtles as a pet when I lived in Vancouver. I put them in a big tub in my backyard and they would swim up to me asking for food.

I read in a book once that boys have concave tummies and girls have rounded tummies. But I'm not sure how true that is.

Have fun with your turtles and take some pictures to put on your blog!


Ricky Lam said...

I have kept a dog for 5 years, but I never keep a turtle. Sounds very cool. He looks very intelligent. Haha...


Harold Au said...

I never keep pets because I'm scared of animals. Your pet is so cute!