Thursday, July 3, 2008

My trip to Taiwan: Day 4

My fourth day was supposed to be my favorite day. But guess what? It did not happen. Even though it was my favorite day, I missed Taiwan. I went to window on China Theme park and LeoFoo Village theme park. I also played Bumper Cars and Merry-Go Round and flying cars and Rollar Coaster and Strawberry wheels and Pony Ride and Watchtrain and the animals and Feed the ponies. It was very fun.
But when I had to leave that country I started to sob a little.
This is my favorite trip in my whole life.


Anonymous said...

It's good that you enjoyed the trip.Remember to be thankful and don't take things for granted.


hester said...

Your trip to Taiwan sounds so exciting! I went to Taiwan two years ago with my mum and all we did was eat and eat and eat!

The end of a great vacation is always a bit sad but it is fun to share your good memories and pictures with your friends!
